10 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

If you’re wondering how to burn belly fat and have even considered taking diet pills or fat burners, you should try to do it the all natural way before taking extreme measures. It’s not really natural for us to carry all that weight on our midsections, so getting back to a more natural state is one sure way to watch the fat go away, almost as a byproduct of our actions.
It doesn’t have to be an all out war to kill your stomach fat. Just make these 10 all-natural adjustments and it should effortlessly come off. Read more here:

Stay Strong: How to Survive Working Out Through Winter

'Tis the season to lose all fitness motivation . . I'm serious! Once Fall rolls around and the Holidays are in clear sight, my healthy eating goals go out the window, and so do my workouts. When the weather starts to dip and there are more hours of dark than daylight, just getting out from under my comforter can seem like too much effort.
Luckily, I've learned my lesson if I can get my butt to the gym or out the door to start a run, I can accomplish it it's just finding the motivation that's truly a struggle. These seven tricks have helped jolt me back in to my routine, so give them a try! Read more here:

Do These 4 Things Before Bed to Lose Weight Tomorrow

Not planning ahead is one mistake nutritionists agree causes weight gain. You can avoid the temptation of eating countless calories at the local cafe by packing a lunch from home.
When made right, salads are great because they're full of fiber and protein to satisfy hunger and keep blood sugar steady. Prepare a salad in a mason jar like this roasted sweet potato and quinoa salad, or make extra for dinner and bring along this sesame ginger quinoa salad. Read more here;

The 4 Best Toning Exercises If You Have an Hourglass Shape

As part of our body shape workout series, we're revealing the best fitness plans that will tone and slim your particular figure. Next up, hourglasses! Combine a two-to-one ratio of back to chest exercises for your upper body.
For every one set of "pressing" exercise you do, add two sets of a "pulling" exercise. "Pressing moves will work your chest and shoulders and include push-ups, dumbbell overhead presses, and bench press. To work your back with pulling moves, try chin ups, seated pull downs, and rows," she explains. Read mote here: